The Epigenetics Revolution

October 11, 2011 at 10:02 am | Posted in Read | Leave a comment
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In a nod to our friends at LGC who have been enlightening us what’s changed during their careers we thought we’d introduce you to The Epigenetic Revolution by Nessa Carey.

Virologist Carey takes you on thrilling ride through the fastest-moving field in modern biology – eigenetics. She explains, why we age and develop disease, why identical twins become less identical over time, and why Audrey Hepburn had such a fragile, delicately beautiful bone structure.

It’s all down to our cells reading the genetic code in DNA just like a script to be interpreted, rather than word for word like a mould that gives the same results each time.

What’s more, Carey discusses the future – how scientists are working towards ways to reverse the ageing process and eradicated disease. It could be sooner than we think.

The Epigenetics Revolution by Nessa Carey, Icon Books, September 2011, £17.99

And we’ve got a copy of The Epigenetic Revolution to giveaway – just send you name, address, and organisation/institution to by 28th October.

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